Nutrient cycling and nutrient-use efficiency in an agroecosystem of Trifolium alexandrinum L.

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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Nutrient cycling and nutrient-use efficiency in an agroecosystem of Trifolium alexandrinum L.

Salama El-Darier, Mabroka Hemada
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 3), 122-133, September 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Trifolium alexandrinum L. is an essential green forage crop and anti-diabetic medicinal plant in Egypt. The total forage phytomass was about14.3 tons/fed/year. The present study evaluates the dry matter production, nutrient cycling and nutrient use efficiency (NTUE) in an agroecosystem of T. alexandrinum under normal agricultural practices and rotational clipping by farmers. The net above ground primary productivity was estimated at about 0.066 and 0.093g/g dry weight/day during the first and last at three growth periods. The rate of nutrient accumulation in shoots was initially greater than the rate of biomass accumulation. There was a gradient of N and K concentration from a minimum in roots and a maximum in shoots which is associated with active translocation of these elements to the shoot. The amount translocated exceeds about 90% of the total uptake of N and K. The total organic constituents (TAC, CP, EE and SOC) in shoot attained their maximum content in the vast growth period. Furthermore, T. alexandrinum was found to be having differently for NTUE in the different growth periods. The main controlling factor in changes in NTUE for most elements was due to biomass allocation.


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