Nutrient management for Rice-Fallow-Rice cropping pattern grown under costal saline area of Satkhira, Bangladesh

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Nutrient management for Rice-Fallow-Rice cropping pattern grown under costal saline area of Satkhira, Bangladesh

M. R. Khan, M. H. Rahman, Mahmudul Hasan, R. R. Sarker, M. M. Ali
Int. J. Biosci.12( 2), 309-315, February 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Salinity is an environmental stress that limits growth and development in plants. An experiments was conducted at saline area of Satkhira districts (AEZ-13) of Bangladesh for two years to determine fertilizer requirement for crops (var. BRRI dhan 30 for Boro and Binadhan-8 for T.aman) grown in saline area for Boro-Fallow-T.aman cropping pattern. There were eight treatments i.e T1: 100% NPK (STB), T2: T1 + 25% N, T3: T1 + 25% NP, T4: T1 + 25% NK, T5: T1 + 25% PK, T6: T1 + 25% NPK, T7: 75% of T1 and T8: Control for both Boro and T.aman rice. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times. In first year the highest grain (5.50t ha-1) and straw yields (6.71t ha-1) of Boro rice was recorded in treatment T3 (STB + 25% NP). In second year the highest yields of grain (4.90t ha-1) and straw (6.37t ha-1) were observed in treatment T4 (STB + 25% NK). Regarding T. aman rice, the highest grain yield (4.56t ha-1) was obtained in treatment T6 in both the year. The highest straw yield (5.85t ha-1) was found in treatment T2 in 2012 where as in 2013, the highest straw yield (5.90t ha-1) found in treatment T1 and T6, respectively. Based on the most profitable treatment, the recommended doses of fertilizers are N120 P25 K75 S8 Zn1 B0.5 for Boro rice and N72 P20 K40 S4 for T. aman rice at Shamnagar, Satkhira, Bangladesh.


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