Nutrition education and homestead food production in the context of dietary intake in Bangladeshi school-going children

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Research Paper 01/07/2019
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Nutrition education and homestead food production in the context of dietary intake in Bangladeshi school-going children

Sonia Zebsyn, M. Akheruzzaman, A.K. Obidul Huq, Md. Aminul Haque Bhuyan
Int. J. Biosci.15( 1), 199-207, July 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Nutrition education and inputs of some homestead food production in school-going children can improve the household food security. Thus, an intervention study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of nutrition education alone and nutrition education supported with homestead food production interventions on dietary pattern and nutrient intake among selected rural secondary school students in Bangladesh.  A total number of 1214 students were divided into three groups. Group-1 (n=406) was received only nutrition education, group-2 (n=400) was received both nutrition education and some inputs of homestead production. These two groups were compared with other control group (n=408) who doesn’t receive any intervention. Dietary data were collected by 24-hours recall method and seven days’ food frequency questionnaire at both baseline and after six months. At baseline survey, individual dietary diversity score of group 1, 2 and 3 were 5.29±0.87, 4.97±0.97 and 5.38±0.95 respectively. After six months’ intervention, study group 2 were found to have better dietary diversity score 5.65±0.94 (p = 0.000) compared to others. In group 2, dietary consumption of fruits and vegetables, egg and milk & milk products were increased significantly (p = 0.000) compared to others. Most of the participants of all groups were inadequate in terms of macro and micronutrients intakes compared to their dietary requirements. There was a significant improvement in dietary diversity score and dietary intake of students in study group 2, which implies that nutrition education along with homestead food production can be a sustainable and affordable strategy to improve dietary diversity.


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