Nutritional profile of schoolchildren at EPP Gbèdjougo-a (Torri Bossito)

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Nutritional profile of schoolchildren at EPP Gbèdjougo-a (Torri Bossito)

Akpoli Mahunan Léocadie, Behanzin Gbèssohèlè Justin, Chabi Christophe, Chokki Steven, Savoeda Perside, Sezan Alphonse
Int. J. Biosci.24( 3), 175-178, March 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The right to basic education is recognized for every child in the world, without discrimination of any kind (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1789). Benin follows the same straight line. According to article 13 of Title II of the Beninese constitution of December 11, 1990, “the State provides for the education of young people through public schools. Primary education is compulsory. The State shall progressively ensure free public education.” (Constitution of the Republic of Benin, December 11, 1990, p4). Feeding children in schools has a dual purpose. It aims to combat child malnutrition. The aim of our study is to examine the nutritional profile of schoolchildren at EPP Gbèdjougo/A in the commune of Torri Bossito. The equipment used to carry out this study consisted of scales, a metre for measuring anthropometric parameters and a survey form. The method used for this study consisted in sampling, then taking anthropometric values and finally processing the information. The results obtained show that the weight of the majority of children is between [20; 25] and their height is between [110; 120]. There are as many girls as boys in the sample studied, and the majority of children are aged between [5; 10]. Determination of the body mass index shows that most of the pupils are malnourished.

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