Nutritional quality and microbiological evaluation of ensiled guinea grass, Panicum maximum Jacq. (Poales: Poaceae) and mulberry foliage, Morus spp. (Rosales: Moraceae) mixtures

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Research Paper 08/01/2024
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Nutritional quality and microbiological evaluation of ensiled guinea grass, Panicum maximum Jacq. (Poales: Poaceae) and mulberry foliage, Morus spp. (Rosales: Moraceae) mixtures

Ian D. Fontanilla
Int. J. Biosci.24( 1), 159-165, January 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Silage has been proven to be an effective and alternative source of nutrients for livestock and to provide high-quality feeds, especially during the dry season. However, the ratio of ensiling mixed silages of guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) and mulberry leaves (Morus spp.) needs to be evaluated, given their nutritional value as livestock feeds. Hence, this paper is to determine the best ratio of these forage materials as an alternative feed for livestock. The experiment was laid out using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six treatments: T1 (100% guinea grass), T2 (100% mulberry leaves), T3 (50% GG + 50% ML), T4 (70% GG + 30% ML), T5 (30% GG + 70% ML), and T6 (56% GG + 44% ML) replicated three times. Treatments were evaluated with their crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash, moisture, dry matter, ADF, NDF, lactic acid, pH, yeasts, molds, and total coliforms. Findings show that silage mixed with a 70% GG + 30% ML ratio produced the highest composition of nutrients (ADF, NDF, DM, moisture, ash, crude fiber, and crude fat) and microbial composition (lactic acid), making it the best-mixed silage for livestock. Therefore, the study recommends 70% guinea grass and 30% mulberry foliage silage mixtures due to their high nutritional value and microbial content. Moreover, the materials for silage production are readily available within the community. Therefore, this practice can be adopted by livestock farmers.


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