Nutritional status in hemodialysis and chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients in district Lahore, Pakistan. a comparative cross sectional study

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Nutritional status in hemodialysis and chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients in district Lahore, Pakistan. a comparative cross sectional study

Saima Batool, Ahmed Bilal, Aurang Zeb, Muhammad Zia Shahid, Muhammad Imran, Tabussam Tufail, Muzzamal Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 1-11, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The core objective of this research was to compare the nutritional status of hemodialysis and chronic kidney disease patients visiting Mayo Hospital and Shalamar Hospital, Lahore. For the purpose A total of 180 patients age range from 18-75 years were selected for the nine months comparative cross sectional study. The sample was selected from the two hospitals in Lahore namely, Mayo Hospital and Shalamar Hospital, Lahore. The data was collected through questionnaire and analyzed through statistical software SPSS version 22.The results showed that among 180 participants, the prevalence of anemia between the age group of 31-43 years report 42.2% cases of ESRD and age group 18-30 years report 36.7% of CKD cases, was high in lower class people hemodialysis (ESRD) 44.4% and 56.7% CKD, in middle class the prevalence was 42.2% ESRD, CKD 32.2% and in upper class the prevalence of anemia was 13.3% and 10% in ESRD and CKD respectively. The prevalence of anemia was high among ESRD male 61.1% participants than CKD male 51.1% participants. Grade 3 (severe anemia) was significant in both groups ESRD 43.3% and in CKD 48.9%. Conclusively, the results declared that anemia was more prevalent in ESRD and hypoalbuminemia in CKD patients, in low socioeconomic status and in people who were less educated. Males were highly affected from this disorder than females. The risk factors included were stress, depression, anxiety, family history, dietary restrictions and the type of diet.


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