Occupational health risk assessment of automobile painters in Owerri metropolis, Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/01/2022
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Occupational health risk assessment of automobile painters in Owerri metropolis, Nigeria

Nneoma Ukachi, Chidiebere Emmanuel Ugwu, Amara Nancy Mbachu, Stephen Monday Suru
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 1), 118-126, January 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The study evaluated the occupational health risks among automobile painters using biochemical indices. A total of 30 randomly selected male automobile painters and 32 age-matched control subjects were recruited in the study. Antioxidant and haematological indices were analysed by standard methods. Information about the life style of the test subjects revealed that 46.7% attained secondary level of education while 26.7% and 26.6% attained primary and tertiary level of education respectively. Fifty percent of the automobile painters were aware of the hazards involved while only 10% wore protective devices during painting activities. According to their duration of exposure, 50% were exposed for 5 years or less whereas 11% and 39% were exposed for 6-10 years and above 10 years respectively. The results showed a significant increase in the mean levels of serum malondialdehyde (MDA) in the automobile painters compared with the control subjects (P<0.05) while the mean serum levels of catalase, glutathione peroxidase activities and vitamin E concentrations in automobile painters were significantly lower than in the control subjects ( P<0.05). There was a significant increase in the mean granulocytes concentration but significantly lower MCHC, platelets and mean platelet volume (MPV)(P<0.05) in the test subjects relative to the control subjects. The mean C- reactive protein concentration was not significantly altered between the two groups (P>0.05). The antioxidant vitamin E and MDA significantly correlated with the years of exposure. The mean catalase level increased mildly (P>0.05) as the duration increased while glutathione peroxidase activity decreased as the duration of exposure increased. Conclusively, the results showed increased lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress and anaemia among automobile painters, with no significant inflammatory response. It is apparent that the automobile painters studied are at increased occupational risk.

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