Occupational Health, Safety and Ergonomic Issues of Sugar Industry- A Review

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Occupational Health, Safety and Ergonomic Issues of Sugar Industry- A Review

Muhammad Ehtisham Zafar, Zia-Ul-Haq, M. Adnan Islam, Hamza Muneer Asam, Abdul Qadeer, Talha Mehmood
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 206-221, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Sugar industry plays a vital role in country’s development. Nowadays, the production and consumption of sugar is significantly increased due to increase in population. A large numbers of people directly and indirectly get employment from this sector. Industry’s most outstanding attribute is its crucial connection between the factory and the growers whose interests are interdependent on one another. Sugar is produced mainly from sugar cane in Pakistan. Currently its accounts for approximately 4.5 percent of the total crop area and 11 percent of the total added value. In addition to qualified and semi-skilled workers, the industry contributes over 4 billion rupees to GDP and employs more than 75,000 people directly, including management experts, technologists, engineers, financial experts, lawyers and doctors. Workers in sugar industries are suffering from various kinds of illnesses because of poor working conditions, differ from small injuries to serious and further serious injury. In present work we highlight the practices and environments, risk of discomfort, tension and injury as a result of ergonomic issues. Accidents faced by workers in many developing countries are most common due to hand tools and cutting tools. Additionally, the review also highlights safety measures in sugar industry to avoid injuries and accidents during working.


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