Occurrence of Bacillus thuringiensis from different plant areas on South Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Occurrence of Bacillus thuringiensis from different plant areas on South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Akhmad Rizali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 6), 53-58, December 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


B. thuringiensis is a gram-positive soil bacterium, and produce a crystalline inclusion body during sporulation. Therefore, many biological control of insects have been investigated. Currently, researches on the use pathogenic microorganisms to control insect pests are increasing. Microbial pest control is practiced in different parts of the world though utilization of pathogen like fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes.. It was a study of flacherie of the silkworm, bombxmori in this report on the discovery of sotto bacillus, which causes the disease to silkworm larvae. Five 1-g soil samples were separately suspended to 9 ml of distilled water. After allowing the suspension to stand for 5 minute, 3-4 ml of the suspension were taken. One half of the suspension was transferred to a test tube and heated in a water bath of 80oC for 15 minutes, so that all microorganisms were killed except Bacillus and other spore forming bacteria, then allowed to cool at room temperature. Ten-fold serial dilutions of the heated suspension in sterile distilled water were placed on nutrient agar (NA-pH 7.5). After two days of incubation at 28oC, Bacillus colonies were recorded. After 2 to 3 days incubation, crystalliferous spore forming bacteria were determined in phase contrast microscope. Isolation from six soil samples yielded about 50 isolates; only one was identified as B. thuringiensis. Observations on B. thuringiensis isolated from citrus areas on C. binotalis showed that infected larvae turned yellowish at the middle and hind part of the abdomen and dead larvae become shrunken and later turned black with putrid odor.


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