On the annually recurrent of green macroalgal bloom phenomenon in Timsah Lake, Suez Canal, Egypt

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On the annually recurrent of green macroalgal bloom phenomenon in Timsah Lake, Suez Canal, Egypt

Gihan A. El Shoubaky
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 300-309, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Consequence macroalgae blooms phenomenon annually in Timsah Lake, the green macroalgal blooms phenomenon was increased in spring 2014 than the previous study in spring 2004 spring 2005 in order to cover large parts of El Taawen area at the south of Timsah Lake. Macroalgal species were growing firstly on the lakebed in the late winter then separated from the bottom to cover large areas in spring season as mats on the surface of the lake. Massive macroalgal mats, composed primarily of Enteromorpha clathrata and Ulva lactuca and formed the principal predominant green mats in the studied seasons. Water and sediment samples were determined at the blooming time. The physico-chemical analysis of water and sediment specimens showed increasing in the nutrients. In contrast, dissolved oxygen was declined at the selected sites (anoxic conditions). Total Nitrogen, total phosphorus and organic matters recorded high levels in the sediments. Morphologically, the characteristic length and diameter of Enteromorpha clathrata and Ulva lactuca reached more than one meter in comparison with its natural size. Human activities on the Lake elevated the nutrients levels to the extent of stimulating algal blooms. Negatively impacts were interfered with economic uses such as fisheries in the Lake.


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