Optimization of formulation of gluten-free biscuit based on rice flour and soybean flour by RSM

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Research Paper 01/04/2014
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Optimization of formulation of gluten-free biscuit based on rice flour and soybean flour by RSM

Afsaneh Morshedi, Zahra Poursharif, Azar haghighatasiabar, Mina Akbarian, Saber Khazani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 146-156, April 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study used responece surface methodology (RSM) based on a central composite design to investigate the influence of rice flour, soybean flour, lecithin and their combination on gluten-free biscuit. Biscuits with different formulations of gluten free mixes were prepared according to RSM. 30 panelists (students) evaluated samples on acceptability of colour, appearance, texture and taste using a five point Hedonic. Acceptability of texture of biscuit (by panelist) was mainly affected quadraticly by soybean flour and lecithin whereas the linear and quadratic effect of rice flour was not significant at 5% level. The interaction effects of rice flour and soybean flour were significant at 5% on acceptability of texture of gluten free biscuit by panelist. The panelist acceptability for appearance shape of samples, is decreasing with increasing of soybean flour. The purpose of this study was to compare preference and acceptability of different formulations of gluten free biscuit for consumer and a formulation was optimised based on acceptability of appearance shape, coloure, textur and taste of samples.


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