Organic mulches improves morphophysiological and yield attributes of white maize variety

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Research Paper 01/02/2022
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Organic mulches improves morphophysiological and yield attributes of white maize variety

Parvin Akter Bithy
Int. J. Biosci.20( 2), 176-186, February 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The objectives of the research work were to evaluate the morphophysiological behaviour and yield contributing attributes of white maize under different organic mulches. The experiment was laid out in a  randomized complete block design  (RCBD) with three replications at the central research field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, from October 2019 to May 2020. This experiment used 4 types of organic mulches these are T1 = Control (without mulch); T2 = Water hyacinth; T3 = Rice straw; T4 = Rice husk; T5 = Ash and white maize variety Shuvra. Due to this (T3) mulch material, tasselling, silking, cob appearance was hastened by (10-12) days than T1. The highest plant height (cm), number of leaves plant-1, leaf area (cm2), leaf area index were obtained from T3 (Rice straw). The highest days to harvesting 148.83a were observed in T3. The highest total dry matter after harvest (506.44gm per plant) was recorded from T3. In case of yield attributes, highest cob length, cob diameter, cob wt. plant-1, no. of cob plant-1, no. of row cob-1, no. of seed row-1, no. of seed cob-1, no. of seed plant-1, seed wt. cob-1, seed wt. plant-1 and 1000 seed wt., was recorded at (22.13cm, 5.07cm, 910.68gm, 3.03, 15.57, 37.87, 589.68, 1791, 167gm, 506.46gm and 335.5gm) from mulch treatment T3 (Rice straw). The results showed that rice straw mulch had outstanding superiority for morphophysiological and yield attributes in white maize over the other organic mulches.


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