Organizations environmental awareness and attitude

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Research Paper 01/01/2022
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Organizations environmental awareness and attitude

Mary Jane J. Bulusan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 1), 62-76, January 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Environmental education necessarily involves the willingness to take personal initiative and social participation to achieve sustainability. This study determined the respondents’ environmental awareness, perception of environmental issues and concerns, and environmental attitude. It followed a descriptive-comparative research design with volunteers from randomly selected faculty, staff, and students. The instrument of this study consists of a questionnaire using a four-point Likert – type response scale, agree/disagree response section, and a series of questions to determine demographic characteristics. The respondents are aware of their environment, perceived the environmental issues and concerns as worse, and are undecided regarding their environmental attitude. Analyses using independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA showed that their perceptions of the issues and concerns are found out to be statistically significantly different when grouped according to a position wherein the students have better perceptions compared to school staff. Comparative analyses revealed that the dependent variables are statistically equal when grouped by the staffs’ employment status and highest educational attainment. The students’ environmental awareness, perceptions of environmental issues and concerns, and environmental attitudes do not differ when grouped by profile variables except for their mothers’ occupations. Students whose mothers do housekeeping are more aware of their environment than those with non-house-keeping mothers. Both first-year students and second-year students have better perceptions of environmental issues and concerns than third-year students. Also, students enrolled in the College of Agriculture have better perceptions than those enrolled in the College of Teacher Education


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