Organoleptic and sensory profiles of three infant porridges developed with roasting, malting and fermentation process

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Research Paper 01/06/2021
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Organoleptic and sensory profiles of three infant porridges developed with roasting, malting and fermentation process

Sandrine Kouton, Sènan Vodouhè, Waliou Amoussa Hounkpatin, Mohamed Soumanou
Int. J. Biosci.18( 6), 284-289, June 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


In free living conditions, 30 mothers of infant aged 6 to 23 months of southern Benin, were given successively three experimental infant porridges in order to determine their organoleptic and sensory profiles. These porridges were prepared with roasting, fermentation and germination process. Two high energy density porridges (malted porridge Fg3 and fermented porridge F3) and low energy density porridge (G1) were composed of maize and ‘’Mawè’’ a fermented maize dough, sorghum, soybean, baobab pulp and sucrose. The organoleptic profile of these porridges was evaluated on a 5-point tasting scale. F3 was high appreciated (82.8%) compared Fg3 (82.4%) and G1 (60.8%). On based of sensory descriptors, F3 and Fg3 porridges has presented respectively the high percent (98%) of taste and odour descriptors (90%). Fg3 was highly fluid (83.30%). The mothers had very appreciated fermented F3 porridge (56.66%). Sensory profile of Fg3 porridge was chestnut colour, a sweet savour and highly fluidity. A sensory profile descriptor of F3 porridge was chestnut colour, a sweet and fermented savour and good savour higher than those of Fg3.


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