Origin of mineralization and impact of anthropogenic pollution on water quality in Boussellam wadi and its environment, Wilaya of Sétif (North-East Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Origin of mineralization and impact of anthropogenic pollution on water quality in Boussellam wadi and its environment, Wilaya of Sétif (North-East Algeria)

Zouhir Boulgueraguer, Hicham Chaffai, Najet Toumi, SalwaSaidi, Saadane Djorfi, Larbi Djabri
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 176-185, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The Boussellam wadi crosses the quaternary formations that dominate the expanse of the plain of the same name in the region of Sétif in the North-East of Algeria. It represents one of the main water resources intended mainly for irrigation and drinking water supply. The shallow water table in the geological formations containing this aquifer is very heterogeneous in texture and varies considerably from upstream to downstream in the watershed. As a result, the northern and eastern zones are marked by a chloride-calcium facies, the central part by a bicarbonate-calcium facies, while the western zone is characterized by a sulphate-magnesium facies. This situation remains unchanged for the four periods considered: April 2014, October 2014, April 2016 and October 2016. However, small variations in the contents of the major elements are essentially due to dilution by rainwater or the impact of wadi water on the nearest wells on the plain. For the same periods, the study of the evolution of pollution in the Boussellam wadi into organic elements including nitrites, nitrates, phosphates and ammonium and its impact on the quality of the water of the plain, concerned 21 wells distributed samples which show an excess of these elements with for nitrates a net increase probably due to wastewater discharges and the intensive use of fertilizers thus increasing the risk of vulnerability of the waters of the plain to pollution and degradation of surface waters and the environment in general.


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