Search Results for : research papers

Open Access policy

Open access scientific journals provide unlimited free access to the research scientific information to scholars, researchers, students and professionals, which enable them to copy, print and circulate an innumerable number of copies free of cost. Open-access dissemination of scientific information has been gaining momentum globally as this method enhances the author’s visibility by getting cited […]

INNSpub Submission Gateway

Welcome to the International Network for Natural Sciences manuscript submission gateway. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor of desired Journals by Electronically Submission Gateway ( or via email attachment according to Author guidelines with Copyright agreement form to []. INNSpub management team will submit that paper online after creating an online account using your […]

Peer-review Process

International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSpub) is dedicated to publishing open-access scholarly research journals and books in English in the field of Natural sciences, Biology, Medicine and Agriculture all over the world. All papers are available on an online platform that concurrently belongs to many societies, universities and research institutes. The manuscript submitted to INNSpub […]

INNSpub Affiliated Journals

International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSpub) are multidimensional open access journal gateway for the exploration of scientific knowledge and new research on Biological sciences, Environmental science, Agricultural sciences, Herbal medicine, Plant Science, Animal science and related other areas. It operates different types of articles such as research articles, review articles, short communications, case studies, project […]

About INNSpub

The International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSpub) is an International research Journal Publisher and dedicated to publishing scholarly research paper and books in the English and believes in sharing new scientific knowledge in the field of Biological sciences, Environmental sciences, Plant & Animal sciences, Agricultural sciences, Herbal medicine, Biodiversity, Forestry, Genetics related to others areas; […]

Agricultural information system and communication network: The case of BT corn growers in Amulong, Cagayan

The study was conducted to assess the agricultural information system and the communication network of corn growers in Amulong, Cagayan. Since there were multiple sources of farmer’s information, these were categorized into three groups. The personal information sources (PIS) were composed of family members, relatives, friends and co-corn growers. The public information sources (PuIS) were […]

Multiple insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) from tori-bossito, republic of Benin

In order to detect the multiple insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae populations in the district of Tori-Bossito, southern Benin from June-September 2019, firstly adult females aged to 2-5 were subjected to susceptible test using impregnated papers (Permethrin 0.75%, delthamethrin 0.05%, DDT 4%, and bendiocarb 0.1%) following WHO testing protocol. Death and survival of An. gambiae populations […]

Newsworthiness of selected environmental related articles and their implications for the public understanding of environmental issues

This study aims to characterize the common stylistic patterns of selected environmental-related articles in the Philippine setting by analyzing the conventional devices used to enhance their newsworthiness to the Filipino audience. It employed a mixed method research, for the quantitative aspect, descriptive presentation of the topics using frequency and percentage was used. For the qualitative […]