Parasites gastrointestinal on population rekrekan (Presbytis Fredericae) in forest slopes of Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia

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Parasites gastrointestinal on population rekrekan (Presbytis Fredericae) in forest slopes of Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia

Abdi Fithria, Saytawan Pudyatmoko, Wisnu Nur Cahyo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 2), 1-8, August 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Research was conducted to identify the species of gastrointestinal helminthes of Javan Fuscous Monkey (Presbytis fraederica) which occupied in the rainforest of slope of mount Slamet. It is important step on the early detection of zoonotic disease and search the alternative prevention and recovery. The monkey which locally called as Rekrekan is concerned as endemic primate occupied in the Mount Slamet area. Based on the IUCN Red list database, this species is stated DD (Data Deficient). Of the samples collected from three different areas, we identified three nematode species including Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides spp. and Oesophagustomum spp. The overall prevalence of helminthes was higher for Trichuris trichiura with the results are 77,7 and 63,6 at Kalipagu; 100 and 46,1 at Sidaboa; 25 and 45,4 at Taman Dringo. Whereas Strongyloides spp., the results are 27,2 and 27,2 at Kalipagu; 18,2 and 7,69 at Sidaboa; 8,3 and 9,09 at Taman Dringo. Oesophagustomum spp., the results are 33,3 and 18,1 at Kalipagu; 27,3 and 15,4 at Sidaboa; 8,3 and 9,0 at Taman Dringo.


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