Parasitic infestation of vegetables in abraka, Delta State, Nigeria

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Parasitic infestation of vegetables in abraka, Delta State, Nigeria

Jemikalajah D Johnson, Enwa O Felix, Anie C Oliseloke, Agbaze G Oluwatosin
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 1), 141-145, January 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Millions of people suffer from parasitic infections and this continues to pose a threat to public health worldwide. Thus, there is need to safeguard the general health and minimize the outbreak of vegetable diseases. A total of 200 vegetable samples namely, carrot, spring onion, cucumber and green pepper were purchased from Abraka market. The vegetables were examined using wet mount and the Formalin Ethyl Acetate Sedimentation Techniques for parasitic infestation. Our results revealed that 37.5% of the vegetables were infested. Carrot 30 (60.0%) followed by spring onion 27 (54.0%), green pepper and cucumber 9(18.0%) respectively. The parasite species recovered from the vegetables, was highest in Ascaris lumbricoides 39 (19.5%), followed by Entamoeba histolytica and Strongyloides stercoralis 12(6.0%) each, Hookworm 8(4.0%) and Entamoeba coli 4(2.0%) respectively. This study has shown a significant difference in vegetables infested by parasites.

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