Participation of the deputized implementers in the preservation of the aquamarine resources in the coastal town of Cagayan

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Research Paper 11/12/2024
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Participation of the deputized implementers in the preservation of the aquamarine resources in the coastal town of Cagayan

Jennifer D. Coballes
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 6), 102-116, December 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


In total, more than 20 government units exercise separate management powers and mandate over coastal uses and sectors. Other government bodies also serve as advisory and recommendatory councils. Bantay Dagat / Fishwarden originated as a volunteer, community based organization to assist in coastal law enforce. Bantay dagat members may be deputized as fishwardens after receiving coastal law enforcement training. This study determined and analyzed the organizational services in the organizations where the deputized implementers belong. The end-goal is to define ways of revitalizing the deputized implementers’ role in preserving the aquamarine resources. The data were categorized, interpreted and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages, weighted means and rank order. A Five-point Likert scale was used to analyze the level of participation of the deputized implementers in the preservation of aquamarine resources. Under the fishery laws, there are agencies and organizations that were deputized to implement the different activities or program of the government in the preservation of the aqua marine resources. This study sought to assess the level of participation of the deputized implementers in the preservation of aqua marine resources. From the study, it was found that majority of the deputized implementers are male; most of them have 50 to 56 age range; majority of them are married; they are mostly college graduates; most of them receive a monthly family income of 5,000 and below; most belong to the Municipal Fish wardens/ Bantay Dagat; most are fisherfolks; and most of them had just served for one to seven years. On the deputized implementers’ level of perception on their level of participation on the activities undertaken in the preservation of aquamarine resources, results revealed that the respondents have high level of participation in the implementation of enforcement activities, information education campaign, search and rescue operation activities, and source of funding activities. In terms of the deputized implementers’ perception on the level of danger brought by specific activities, they perceived that some specific activities are neutrally dangerous, problems on manpower; equipment, funding, and socio-political factor are serious problems. On test of differences on the deputized implementers’ level of perception on their level of participation when grouped according to organization, it was found that the PNP Maritime group has the highest implementation level of enforcement activities. On the other hand, the Philippine Coastguard has the highest implementation level on information, education campaign and search and rescue operation activities while the Fish warden/ Bantay Dagat has the highest implementation level on source of funding activities.


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