Participation of women in rice production in the Municipality of Gonzaga, Cagayan, Philippines
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Participation of women in rice production in the Municipality of Gonzaga, Cagayan, Philippines
Agriculture needs both genders to participate if it is to be sustainable. This study assessed the participation of rural women in rice production activities in the municipality of Gonzaga. It described their socio-demographic characteristics and the income profile of the household respondents. It investigated the participation of rural women in rice production activities at the different stages of rice production. Seventy-six (76) respondents were purposively selected in the Municipality of Gonzaga, Cagayan. Fifteen (15) barangays were involved in representing the irrigated and non-irrigated rice ecosystems of the municipality. Descriptive analysis of the socio-economic characteristics and the different activities of rural women in rice production was conducted by analyzing the means, standard deviations, frequency counts, and percentage distribution. To determine the effects of the different independent variables on the dependent variable, women participation, regression analysis was conducted. The study revealed that there are tasks performed by the women-farmers which are expected to be performed by men. These include the decision on seed selection, plowing, and fertilizer application. The role of schooling is also emphasized as it influences the productivity of the women farmers. They have encountered problems that needed long-term solution, such as investments on solar and mechanical dryers.
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Florante Victor M. Balatico (2022), Participation of women in rice production in the Municipality of Gonzaga, Cagayan, Philippines; IJB, V21, N4, October, P101-109
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