Particular effects of steppic plants in the rehabilitation of degraded soils, ability to control wind erosion

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Particular effects of steppic plants in the rehabilitation of degraded soils, ability to control wind erosion

Hamida Mallem, Zohra Houyou, Atika Benrima, Renate Wesselingh, Mohamed Kouidri, Djamila Ameur, Hatem Chaar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 1), 347-355, July 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In arid zones, plowing and overgrazing, accentuate steppe degradation risk, silting and wind erosion are the consequences, plants disappear and others persist and adapt. We aimed in this study, to identify steppic plants that can grow in a silted environment and find their effects on dune soil. Under three perennial plants (Retama raetam, Aristida pungens, and Astragalus armatus); the texture, physical and microbiological soil characteristics, were analyzed and compared to those of dune soil without vegetation. The results of the fixed and unfixed dune, soil characteristics were different; the micro dune under A. pungens did not contain silt and clay (0%). The micro dune fixed by A. armatus contained more silt and clay with respectively (9%, 10%). The micro-dune of the soil fixed by R. raetam showed the highest contents in N, C and bacterial richness with respectively (0,08%, 0,82%, 1,21×105 ufc/g). The micro dune fixed by A. pungens showed a high content of, CaCO3, electrical conductivity and fungal richness with respectively (2.37%, 0.92ms/cm, and 0.63×105 germ/g). We noted at the end of this study, particular effects of each plant in the rehabilitation of degraded soils. The association of these plants had a complementary effect, which could be used to control wind erosion.


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