Particulate matter (pm10) and respiratory health assessment of the selected public elementary schools of cagayan de oro city

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Particulate matter (pm10) and respiratory health assessment of the selected public elementary schools of cagayan de oro city

Rexor Lester S. Jaramillo, Alrico John Igot, Jule Vincent Verdejo, RJ Krista Raye Y. Leocadio, Gina C. Lacang
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 4), 65-78, April 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study is aimed to assess the respiratory health condition of students in selected Elementary Schools in Cagayan de Oro City in consideration of their demographic profile and concentration levels of particulate matter of 10 microns size within the area. Random sampling technique and utilized cross-sectional descriptive type of research was used for the respiratory incidence. Determination of PM10 concentration levels was done using 24-hour continuous sampling method with PQ 100 PM 10 Sampler. Two elementary school institutions near traffic area were chosen serving as primary subject in the study. These are the City Central School and East City Central School. Comparatively, the results show that the East City Central School had greater percentage of respiratory incidence than the City Central School in terms of family income, family history, no. of hours of exposure, length of years and crowding. The results also showed that there is stronger influence of PM10 concentration at the East City Central School (49.54μg/m³) than that of the City Central School (43.59μg/m³). There exists a directly proportional relationship between the reported incidence and concentration of particulate matter, i.e. that the higher the concentration, the higher the reported respiratory incidence in all of the socio-demographic profile regardless of age and gender. The results shall serve as basis for both schools to come up with achievable strategies to minimize exposure of students against respiratory illnesses such as requiring students to wear personal protective equipment (ppe), growing buffer trees inside the school campus and to undertake activities that generates airborne dust at nighttime only. The local government unit shall also craft policies/ordinances such as re-routing vehicles to ease traffic condition so that emission of harmful air pollutants are easily dispersed to minimize detrimental health effects particularly to elementary students.


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