Perception of acoustic frequencies in (Ab) users and non-users of psychedelics: a cross-sectional analytic study via the surface web

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Perception of acoustic frequencies in (Ab) users and non-users of psychedelics: a cross-sectional analytic study via the surface web

Ahmed Al-Imam
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 427-437, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Hallucinogenic substances, also known as psychedelics and entheogenic chemicals, are psychoactive substance possessing unique pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic properties. The literature points out some high-risk hallucinogens including those of super-potent properties active within the micro-dosing range. Psychedelics as well as several medicinal and non-medicinal chemicals can be ototoxic and can induce deafness. Our study aims to extrapolate, based on statistical inference, the existence of a potential correlation between the use of hallucinogens versus hearing loss. This study is observational cross-sectional analytic based on a survey presented to web users interacting via dedicated private groups on Facebook. The investigation will include atone (frequency) generator to test the hearing range of audible frequencies including the upper and lower limits of hearing. The study will also screen demographic parameters, and variables of interests including social and marital status, ethnicity, nationality, and pre-existing medical conditions. Hypothesis testing could notinfer any significant differences or association between the use of psychedelic substances and hearing loss. It seems that the (mis) use of psychedelics and the range of audible frequencies of (mis)users are independent of each other. However, our study has some confounding variable and limitations that will be pointed out. Future studies should incorporate animal models and controlled trials on humans to extrapolate rigour evidence concerning the potential pathophysiological effects of hallucinogens, including molecular changes, on the conductive and sensor neural mechanisms of hearing. Besides, observational studies should always attempt to be more representative, systematic, and strive to provide real-time and predictive analytics for specific populations of interest.


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