Performance and flesh quality of giant African snails (Archachatina marginata) fed different diets containing fishmeal, vitamin mineral concentrate (VMC) and palm kernel cake

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Research Paper 01/06/2021
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Performance and flesh quality of giant African snails (Archachatina marginata) fed different diets containing fishmeal, vitamin mineral concentrate (VMC) and palm kernel cake

Ahmed Adékunlé Mama Ali, Gabriel Assouan Bonou, Serge Gbênagnon Ahounou, Pascal Sègbégnon Kiki, Bryd Bucku Mafuyu Ngossanga, Issaka Abdou Karim Youssao, Mahamadou Dahouda
Int. J. Biosci.18( 6), 1-9, June 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The lack of knowledge on the zootechnical performances and meat technological quality of farm animals is an obstacle to their breeding development. This study aimed at assessing the growing performances and flesh quality of giant African snails (Archachatina marginata) fed diets containing fishmeal and Vitamin Mineral Concentrate (VMC). The experiment was carried out at NGO Bouge farm in the south of Benin (Allada). In all, 150 giant African snails were randomly divided into three homogenous groups (group 1, group 2 and group 3) and fed on three concentrated mash diets, containing fishmeal + VMC (diet1); without fishmeal, VMC and palm kernel cake (diet 2) and that of the control group, containing only palm kernel cake (diet 3). Snail’s weight, shell length and width were recorded every two weeks. After slaughter, shell, flesh and the rest (offal and viscera) were also weighed and their yields determined. The study revealed that the snail shell length and width were significantly higher for group 1 snails than the over groups at the end of the experiment (p<0, 05). No significant difference was observed in the mortality rate between the three groups. The live weight did not vary from one group to another (p>0, 05). The flesh yields were higher in group 1 (25.16%) than group 2 (23.71%) and group 3 (23.23%) (p<0, 05). The pH values were higher one hour (7, 44) and 24 hours (6, 29) after slaughter. The incorporation of fishmeal and Vitamin Mineral Concentrate in the snails’ diet did not induce mortality but on the contrary, allowed normal growth.

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