Performance assessment of water filtration plants in Pakistan

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Performance assessment of water filtration plants in Pakistan

Talat Farid Ahmed, Hashim Nisar Hashmi, Ali Salman Saeed, Ashfaq Ahmed Sheikh, Muhammad Attiqullah Khan, Muhammad Azeem Afzal
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 5), 80-92, May 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


A study was carried out to evaluate the water quality of filtration plants installed at six different places of Cantonment Board Sialkot, Pakistan to suggest and recommend guidelines for their improvement. Water samples from six Treatment plants and their respective twelve connections (two from each treatment plants) were collected before and after treatment. In this way, total samples were collected and tested. Values of these samples before and after treatment were used for comparison with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water standards. Thirty three parameters including physical, chemical and bacteriological were determined for each sample. The results were satisfactory both chemically and bacteriologically according to WHO guidelines for water quality of treatment plants. The results showed that the samples of water were fit, both before and after treatment plant except for water sample of treatment plant No. IV & V (Before treatment). Total and faecal coliform were found in these samples. Various causes of faecal contamination before treatment may be due to leakage of pipelines, operation at tubewells, layout of freshwater pipes parallel or beneath the sewerage pipes or channels. Disinfection of water at source is recommended to deal with the faecal contamination; otherwise there is no need of filtration plant.


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