Performance evaluation of rhizobacteria on wheat crop under drought condition

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Performance evaluation of rhizobacteria on wheat crop under drought condition

Falak Naz, Muhammad Zahid Kiani, Lubna Ansari, Azeem Khalid
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 470-475, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Water shortage is a major issue to agribusiness in Pakistan and also other countries of world. Water deficiency hinders root advancement and effect the capacity of plants to take water. The microbes known as rhizobacteria have capacity to reduce stress and improve plant development through their drought tolerant mechanism. In this study two rhizobacterial strains (WK1 and WK2) were used in four different treatments (un-inoculated, inoculated with WK1, WK2 and Mixture), against three drought levels (65%, 40% and 25%) in a greenhouse pot trail. Drought levels were developed artificially after calculating field capacity of soil used in the experiment. Four kg autoclave soil per pot was used. All inoculated treatments showed increases in root length as compared to control at three drought levels. The highest increase in root length were as 59.09, 53.73 and 42.41% at 65, 40% and 25% drought level respectively followed by treatment inoculated with WK1 (36.36, 38.73, 27.27%) at above said drought levels. The data collected regarding plant height showed the highest improvement from treatment inoculated with isolate WK2 as 85.32, 41.42 and 37.6% at 25, 40 and 65% drought levels respectively followed by isolate WK1 (6.68, 37.36, 24.75%) at three drought levels. Similarly trend of increase were found in case of seed weight per plant from treatment WK2 and WK1 at drought level of 25, 40 and 65%. Promising outcomes were acquired all through the research course. It was concluded that Bacterial strain WK2 performed better at three different drought levels as compared to all other treatments.

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