Petrography and geochemistry of volcanic rocks of Molaahmad pass (East Isfahan, Centeral Iran)

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Petrography and geochemistry of volcanic rocks of Molaahmad pass (East Isfahan, Centeral Iran)

Zahra Nasr Esfahani, M. H. Emami, S. J. Sheikhzakariaee, S. H. Tabatabaei
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 438-447, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The studied area is located in east of Isfahan province. This area is the part of Uromiah- Dokhtar zone in Central Iran. Eocene volcanic rocks Mehrabad region (Molaahmad pass) consists mainly of intermediate-felsiclavasandesite to Dacite and pyroclastic rocks of the tuff. The volcanic rocks are composed of plagioclase, amphibole, quartz , opaque andglass. Most offerromagnesian minerals alterated to chlorite , cacite and epidote. On the base of geochemical studies, volcanic rocks are ranging from sub-alkalineandthey are a medium to high K calc-alkaline suite. In the Trace elements spider diagram, these similar to upper crust. They are generated partial melting of crustal protoliths. Enrichment in LILE and depletion of HFSE in the studied rocks as well as various petrologic diagrams point to magmatism in arc of an active continental margin.


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