Petrophysical characteristics of lower goru formation (Cretaceous) in Sawan gas field, Central Indus basin, Pakistan

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Petrophysical characteristics of lower goru formation (Cretaceous) in Sawan gas field, Central Indus basin, Pakistan

Syed Mamoon Siyar, Muhammad Waqas, Saqib Mehmood, Ali Jan, Muhammad Awais, Fakhrul Islam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 260-266, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The study area lies in Central Indus Basin, District Khairpur, Sindh Province, Pakistan. The objective of the research was to study petrophysical parameters of the Lower Goru Formation in Sawan Gas Field to identify hydrocarbon bearing zones. In this study, data set of conventional well logs of Sawan-01 and Sawan-02 wells were used. The petrophysical interpretations revealed that the studied Lower Goru Formation has good reservoir characteristics with 12% effective porosity, 15% average volume of shale (Vsh), 38.62% water saturation (Sw) and 61.38% hydrocarbon saturation (Shc) with qualitative permeability in Sawan-01. Also the same formation in Sawan-02 is clean with 9% Vsh, 12% effective porosity, 46% Sw and 54% Shc. The lithology of the Lower Goru Formation is dominated by very fine to fine and silty sandstone.


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