Phenolgical traits and yield of different maize genotypes as influenced by nitrogen application methods

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Phenolgical traits and yield of different maize genotypes as influenced by nitrogen application methods

Iqra Nawaz, Shazma Anwar, Junaid Ahmad, Maleeha Mehboob, Ihsan Ullah, Abid Ullah, Atif Ur Rahman, Saboor Shah
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 303-311, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Selection of appropriate variety and proper method of nitrogen application has key role in improving farmer outcome and yield sustainability of maize. Therefore, an experiment to study varying nitrogen application methods on yield of maize varieties were carried out in Baffa research station district Mansehra during year 2018. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement with three replications. Four different varieties (BMS1, Azam, Jalal and Iqbal) and four nitrogen levels (control, soil application, 95% soil + 5 % foliar, 90% soil + 10 % foliar) were used in experiment. Varieties were allotted to main plots while nitrogen was applied to sub plots. The experimental results showed that taller plants (200 cm), highest biological yield (12664 kg ha-1) and highest grain yield were reported by Azam (3765 kg ha-1).Among N application, 90% soil + 10 % foliar delayed the days to tasseling (50 days), days to silking (58 days), taller plants (202 cm), higher biological yield (12096 kg ha-1) and higher grain yield (3729 kg ha-1). Therefore, it can be concluded from the results that Azam variety produced higher yield and N applied through 90% soil + 10 % foliar reported maximum yield of maize crop. So, the application of N in the form of 90% soil + 10 % foliar should be applied to maize OPV Azam for higher grain yield under the agro climatic conditions of Mansehra Pakistan.

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