Phenological studies and habitat characteristic of endemic species Nepeta oxyodonta in central Zagros Mountains, Iran

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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Phenological studies and habitat characteristic of endemic species Nepeta oxyodonta in central Zagros Mountains, Iran

Shahab Mirinejad, Behrooz Hassanpour, Ghobad Khalili, Kavoos Keshavarz
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 558-563, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Conservation of plant species and unique habitats of plants have a special importance, and is maintaining the ecological cycle balance in life. The research has been performed to investigate the phenology and habitats ecological condition of Nepeta oxydonta that endemic and endangered medicinal plant in the period of 2008 to 2010. In the first, by using scientific resources and GPS device obtained the geographic characteristics of the region such as latitude, longitude, height, direction and slope and provided the distribution map of Nepeta oxydonta plant in the region. Different stages of phenology of the plant, going biweekly to the region, were registered. In addition, the characteristics of soil samples collected such as EC, PH, Micro and Macro elements levels were measured. The results show that the Nepeta oxydonta plant mostly grows in the mountains regions from elevation (above sea level) 2150 meters to 2800 meters meter (above sea level) in all directions geographical gradient without limitation, from 10% to 75%. The average plant height and the around mean of five plants of have been estimated at 47 cm and 60 cm. According to the references to specific habitats were found that Nepeta oxydonta plant germinates from March and continues its growth with tillering until April. Then, plant flowering stems emerge in late May, and in June and July fruit on stems of flowering plants are exposed. The results of pedological study shows that the amount of the elements Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn are respectively from 7.2 ppm to 36.86 ppm, 0.44 ppm to 3.64 ppm, 0.96 ppm, 2.96 ppm to 26.74 ppm. The type of soil texture is Si-Cl. The research concluded that the plants can growth up in the EC 0.37 to 0.85 µ mho/cm.


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