Physical properties of three geomorphological swampland soils in Ndokwa West, Delta State, Nigeria

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Research Paper 15/07/2022
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Physical properties of three geomorphological swampland soils in Ndokwa West, Delta State, Nigeria

Alama Sunday Ifeakachukwu, Onyibe Christopher Emeka, Nwachukwu Eric Favour, Emuh Fidelis Nduka, Egbuchua Collins, Akparobi Sunday Oba
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 1), 126-133, July 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


A pedological study was carried out and three representative soil pedons were delineated, described, and assessed in the three locations studied based on the morphological properties. The results showed that sand fractions in Abbi (60.00 to 89.30%) were higher and significantly differ from Onicha Ukwuani (40.60-90.10%) and Ndemili (36.30–90.20%). Clay fraction was higher in Ndemili (4.00 to 56.60%) compare to Onicha Ukwuani (40.30 to 45.30%) and Abbi (4.40 to 44.30%). The bulk densities (low to moderate) varied across locations with Abbi (1.2-1.60gcm-3), Onicha Ukwuani (1.30-1.55gcm-3) and Ndemili ranged from 1.31-1.70 gcm-3. The soil texture varied from sand, sandy loam, loam, clay loam, and sandy clay loam. The total porosity ranged from 13.30 – 47.80% (Abbi), 27.30 – 47.80% (Onicha Ukwuani), and 20.70 – 43.50% in Ndemili. Data collected was analyzed and there was a significant difference at <0.05 in the sand, silt, and clay and the highest mean value of sand (74.6%) was observed in Abbi, Silt (14.2%) in Onicha Ukwuani and clay (28.9%) in Ndemili. The research showed that the soils are compacted to well aggregate; thus, they are suitable for crop production but can be enhanced by soil tillage, use of plant residues, and fertilizers application.


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