Physico-Chemical analysis of bore water from different regions of Karachi, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Physico-Chemical analysis of bore water from different regions of Karachi, Pakistan

Kashif Ahmed, Hafiz Abdul Rehman, Nuzhat Arshad, Sobia Israr
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 2), 117-127, February 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Pure water for drinking and domestic purpose is the basic requirement for healthy life. However, increase in water pollution decrease the pure water resources and become a challenge for pure water and besides contaminated water created health hazard problems. In this study, we collect bore water samples from different regions of Karachi including Jamshad Town, DHA and Korangi Industrial Area. These bore water used in homes for cleaning purpose, in some area for drinking purpose and in some industries for Reverse Osmosis feed water for producing drinking and portable water. This research investigates the physico-chemical and heavy metals analysis embraces; appearance, color, odor, taste, pH, TDS, total hardness of Chloride, Total Alkalinity, Sulfate, Turbidity, Phosphate, Iron, Chromium, Lead and Zinc in the water. Heavy metals of bore water observed within limit while TDS, Hardness, Chloride. Sulfate and turbidity of most of samples found very high and unacceptable for drinking purpose as per limits which are specified by WHO and PSDW. Physico-chemical parameters analyzed by titration method and Spectrophotometer method while Heavy metals determine by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer method. It is concluded that contamination in bore water due to Geological structure, internal damages of sewerages system and bed quality of industrial waste water system.


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