Physico-chemical and microbiological characterizations of an herbal toothpaste formulated with extracts of some selected medicinal plant harvested in Benin Republic

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Research Paper 12/07/2024
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Physico-chemical and microbiological characterizations of an herbal toothpaste formulated with extracts of some selected medicinal plant harvested in Benin Republic

Medoatinsa Seinde Esperance, Koudouro Yaya Alain, Olaye Theophile, Hounkanrin Fifame Judith, Kpatinvoh Brice, Bogninou G. Sophie Reine, Bothon F. T. Diane, Agbangnan Dossa Cokou Pascal
Int. J. Biosci.25( 1), 255-268, July 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Beninese flora is endowed with effective medicinal plants used locally for hygiene and oral care but very little valued. This work therefore aims to promote these medicinal plants through the formulation of an herbal toothpaste. For this purpose, the chemical composition and anti-radical activity of extracts of four plants (Syzygium aromaticum, Zingiber officinale, Vernonia amygdalina, Thevetia peruviana) were determined. Then an antimicrobial toothpaste was formulated by incorporating bioactive extracts from the plants studied. The physico-chemical and antimicrobial properties of the toothpaste formulated were determined. The results reveal the presence of a large number of secondary metabolites and a significant quantity of phenolic compounds in the four plants studied. Syzygium aromaticum and Thevetia peruviana presented the highest contents of total phenolic compounds, respectively 1258.85 and 616.12 µg EGA/g. Plant extracts show strong anti-radical activity with IC50 ranging from 0.1 to 45 µg/µL. Only the essential oils studied showed antioxidant activity close to that of the reference compounds, i.e. 0.029 µg/µL and 0.022 µg/µL respectively for quercetin and gallic acid. The formulated toothpaste has good physicochemical characteristics and acceptable hygienic quality. The antimicrobial activity shown by the toothpaste is interesting with a minimum inhibitory concentration of the toothpaste being 0.100g/mL on most strains tested. Subject to the toxicity results, the formulated product can be recommended for good oral hygiene.

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