Physicochemical and microbial characterization of somberiro river in ahoada east local government area, Rivers State, Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/08/2012
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Physicochemical and microbial characterization of somberiro river in ahoada east local government area, Rivers State, Nigeria

I. C. Mgbemena, I. J. Okechukwu, N. N. Onyemekara, J. C. Nnokwe
Int. J. Biosci.2( 8), 36-44, August 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


A total of six water samples collected at three different stations from Somberiro River were analyzed for the physico – chemical and bacteriological parameters. The physico – chemical parameters recorded highest concentration in site A except in conductivity while Phosphate, Potassium and Nitrate were found higher in site C and site B recorded highest in Chloride. Almost all the parameters were within WHO/FEPA limits except color which was 20, 195, 35, and 16co-pt in sites A, B, D and F respectively. Turbidity 72F.T.U was above the EPA/WHO stipulated range in site A. Bacteriological analysis of the water samples using standard methods of isolation of bacteria on the different media gave a total of seven genera of bacteria comprising of Staphylocccus aureus, Eschericia coli, Bacillus species, Micrococcus luteus, Micrococcus roseus, Streptococcus faecalis and Salmonella species. Nutrient agar gave highestheterotrophic counts ranging from 5.7×106 – 2.22×107 with 19 bacterial isolates. The coliform forming unit per ml (CFU/ml) of bacterial isolates on MCA ranging from 2.9 ×105 – 1.44 ×106 produced a total of 18 isolates and the SSA ranged from 3.35×104 – 1.56×105giving a total of 12 bacterial isolates. These heterotrophic colonial counts of bacterial isolates in these media were all above EPA permissible limits. Three genera of bacteria, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis and Salmonella species isolated from this river are all of medical importance. They arecoliform bacteria whose presence in water shows faecal contamination. Therefore their presence is an indication that this river is polluted and not good for usage.


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