Physicochemical properties and structure of starches extracted from raw, baked and boiled Coulaedulis (Bail.)seeds

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Research Paper 01/11/2015
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Physicochemical properties and structure of starches extracted from raw, baked and boiled Coulaedulis (Bail.)seeds

Gbocho Serge Elvis Ekissi, YapiAssoiYapidésiré Patrice, BinatéSiaka, Konan Kouassi Hubert, Lucien Patrice Kouamé
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 5), 14-29, November 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of the present study was to investigate the proximate composition and physicochemical properties of starches extracted from raw (SEFCeSra), boiled (SEFCeSbo) and baked (SEFCeSba) Coulaedulis seeds. The cooking treatment did not have any profound effect on moisture, ash, protein and crude fiber contents of starches extracted from seed, except for the fat content. Starch purities were high (97.40%) with low protein (0.49%), fat (1.66-1.92%), crude fiber (0.03%) and ash (0.20%) contents. Granules of SEFCeSra were round in shape, with sizes ranging from 4.29-21.39 µm. They did not show unusual features of granules such as collapsed granule, cracked surface and some defects, but those of SEFCeSbo and SEFCeSba showed critical morphological changes. The loss of starch granules integrity was greater in the boiled seeds. At temperatures between 70 and 90°C, SEFCeSra had the highest and SEFCeSbo had the lowest swelling power. Solubilities of SEFCeSra, SEFCeSbo and SEFCeSba  increased as the temperature increased from 50 to 95°C. Percentage transmittance values of the starches extracted from Coulaedulis seeds increased (42 to 52%) after cooking. The value of SEFCeSbo was higher than that of SEFCESba. In all the starches, percentage transmittance was slightly reduced as the number of weeks of storage increased. The relative order of hydrolysis was SEFCESbo>SEFCESba>SEFCESra. Distinct differences of physicochemical properties were observed between starches extracted from SEFCeSra, SEFCeSbo and SEFCeSba. They may have broad possibilities as ingredients in food systems and other industrial applications.


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