Physio-chemical and biological drinking water quality analysis of barmas water supply complex, Gilgit, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2015
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Physio-chemical and biological drinking water quality analysis of barmas water supply complex, Gilgit, Pakistan

Ali Raza, Shoukat Ali,Yawar Abbas, Salar Ali, Rizwan Karim, Nawazish Ali, Ajaz Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 4), 127-134, October 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Water is one of the most important of all natural resources known on the earth. The Safety of drinking water is important to health. The nature of water is affected by several factors such as Chemical, physical and biological contaminations. The Physio-chemical and biological analysis drinking water quality at Gilgit city was studied. samples were collected using random sampling technique, from inlet, outlet, school tape, house tape, and communal tap and storage tanks. WagTech Potatest kit was used for microbiological testing which employs Membrane Filtration Technique and membrane lauryl Sulphate Broth as medium. Aqua Culture Photometer (Hanna) was used for testing chemical parameters (Nitrate & nitrite). Conductivity meter was used to test conductivity/TDS. For bacteriological chemical analysis samples were brought to GB-Environmental Protection Agency Laboratory .Other parameters pH, taste, ordour, colour, Temperature and Turbidity was tested on site. Among the tested characteristics, temperature values fluctuated between 11.06–21.2°C, electric conductivity values ranged from 55-99.2μs/cm, turbidity values differed from 2–5 NTU, pH values varied between 7.00-7.93, total dissolved solids ranged from 400–600 mg/l, nitrate and nitrite contents fluctuated between 16.1–45.7 and 1-2 mg/l, while the investigated samples were free from faecal contamination as the sampling activity was done in the first week of October 2014 and during this season due to lower temperature of water samples the microbial growth reduces, as a result no colonies were found. All the inspected characteristics were within the approved standards set by WHO and NEQS.


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