Physiological, medical importance and microscopic characterization of selected medicinal plants

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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Physiological, medical importance and microscopic characterization of selected medicinal plants

Z. Haider1, M. Noor, MZ Hassan, A Rubab, MH Mahmood, K Shahzadi, H Javaid, H Mushtaq, I Mushtaq, S Shahid, SA Sajid, SN Sajid
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 3), 103-108, September 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Epidermis is the outermost, protoderm derived layer of cells covering the leaf. The epidermis and its waxy cuticleprovide a protective barrier against mechanical injury, water loss, and infection. Various modified epidermal cells regulate transpiration, increase water absorption, and secrete substances. The colonization of land by terrestrial plants was enabled by the evolution of specialized pores (stomata) on the leaf epidermis that regulate the exchange of water vapour and CO2 between the leaf interior and the atmosphere. Research was based on micro examination of some selected medicinal plants that carried out in the old Botanical of the Agriculture University Faisalabad. In some selected dicot plants leaves two type of epidermis were observed. The upper one called the adaxial and lower one called abaxial. In dicots plants following shapes of the shapes of the cell and stomata are observe anomocytic type in that guard cells are surround by many similar in size and shape to the epidermal cells means here no subsidiary cells are found. Crucuferious type show that guard cells are surrounded by three subsidiary cells of unequal size. Paralytic type show that guard cells accompanied by one or more subsidiary cells parallel to axes. Diacytic type in which stomata surround by the two subsidiary cells. These shapes of the cells were observed under the microscope.These observations lead to evolutionary medicinal importance and of various morphological characterization of this selected medicinal plant.


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