Phytochemical analysis and cytotoxic activity of ant plant (Myrmecodia tuberosa Jack.)

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Phytochemical analysis and cytotoxic activity of ant plant (Myrmecodia tuberosa Jack.)

Meljan T. Demetillo, Mirasol L. Baguio, Mylene M. Uy, Olga M. Nuñeza
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 6), 85-91, December 2017.
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Myrmecodia tuberosa Jack (Rubiaceae) has been used as part of traditional Philippine remedies for a wide range of therapeutic usages. The results of this will prove the curability and effectiveness of this plant to some diseases and illnesses, and for the safety of aqueous and its ethanolic extracts. The present study was aimed to evaluate phytochemical constituents and to determine its toxicity.  Qualitative phytochemical analysis was done by standard laboratory grade reagents and toxicity test was done using Brine Shrimp Lethality Analysis (BSLA). Results revealed that the phytochemical screening of tuber and leaf crude ethanolic extracts indicated the presence of saponins, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenolic compounds. The brine shrimp lethality test of the ethanolic extracts of M. tuberosa tuber and leaves indicated LC50 values of 38.68 and 126.62 μg/ml respectively. On the other hand, the decoction of tuber and leaves were toxic at LC50 of 132.6 and 441.6 μg/ml respectively. From the results obtained, M. tuberosa extracts contained active compounds and that the ethanolic extracts were more potent for cytotoxic activity against brine shrimp as compared to the decoction.

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