Phytochemical and comparative biological studies of Diospyros kaki extracts

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Phytochemical and comparative biological studies of Diospyros kaki extracts

Zohra Zreen, Shumaila Kiran, Amjad Hameed, Tahsin Gulzar, Tahir Farooq
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 207-223, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Many plants attained popularity as medicinal plants but still various horizons require analyst’s interest. Amongst, Diospyros kaki is one of these medicinal plants granted with potent antioxidant activity. This study was focused to elucidate antioxidant status and biological activities of D. kaki with special reference to its bioactive molecules linked to various health claims. Phytochemicals like saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids and tannins were screened qualitatively in different organs by successive extraction with solvents of increasing polarity from less polar to more polar solvents along with determination of total phenolic and flavonoid contents quantitatively. Moreover, with respect to phytopharmaceutical potential In vitro antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and anti-diabetic activities were also evaluated.  Phytochemical screening reflected presence of active constituents in all organs but abundance of these was found in ethanol and methanol extracts of leaves and unripe fruit. Similarly, methanol extract of leaves revealed significant anticancer, anti-inflammatory and  antibacterial  activity against gram negative bacteria whereas anti fungal, anti-diabetic and antibacterial  activity against gram positive bacteria were shown in ethanol extract of unripe fruit. These findings concluded that D. kaki could be capitalized in pharmacology due to presence of different phytochemicals comprising of antioxidant characteristics but resulted remarkable phytochemicals in leaves and unripe fruit extracts in addition to significant biological activities make them more remarkable and profound amongst other extracts. Methanol and ethanol extracts due to good purity level as compared to other solvents found to be more dynamic against biological activities. Keeping in mind the above facts, further biological and pharmaceutical investigations are required to characterize new bioactive components.


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