Phytochemical Screening of Leucosyke capitellata POIR and Dendrocnide densiflora C. B. ROB Plant in preference of its utilization in the Municipality of San Miguel, Surigao del Sur, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/03/2022
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Phytochemical Screening of Leucosyke capitellata POIR and Dendrocnide densiflora C. B. ROB Plant in preference of its utilization in the Municipality of San Miguel, Surigao del Sur, Philippines


The discovery of plant containing secondary metabolites or commonly known as phytochemicals gain interests nowadays because it offers benefit of treating diseases. Most of the indigenous people are advocating the use of plant extracts to treat diseases without knowing its properties but because they have done it for more than a year and for them it was effective. Hence, this paper aims to investigate two plants utilized in the Municipality of San Miguel, Surigao del Sur namely: Leucosyke capitellata POIR. and Dendrocnide densiflora C.B.ROB commonly known as alagasi and sagay respectively. Roots of each plants were collected and were subjected for ethanolic extraction. Three extracts, (1) L. capitellata, (2) D. densiflora, and combined formulation with 1:1 ratio was subjected for qualitative phytochemical tests to detect the presence of bioactive compounds. Findings of the study revealed that the following bioactive constituents are present in the three extracts namely: saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and steroids. The presence of this secondary metabolites may be the reason to support its therapeutic value to the local healers to treat inflamed wounds. Richer amount L. capitellata bioactive constituents supports the most preferred utilization among local healers. Combined formulations of these plants were found to contain rich amount of its constituents which may be the reason why most of the healers practiced mixing root samples in their traditional medication. Furthermore, there is a need to explore more of its therapeutic value since they possess secondary metabolites that offer more than the present therapeutic utilization.


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