Phytomining: Effect of sulfur on the nickel yield of Magkono (Xanthostemon verdugonianus)

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Phytomining: Effect of sulfur on the nickel yield of Magkono (Xanthostemon verdugonianus)

Eddie Jan Q. Rondina, Johniel Babiera, Hernando Bacosa, Jaime Guihawan, Peter Suson
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 6), 95-101, December 2024.
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This study investigated the effects of sulfur on the nickel yield of Xanthostemon verdugonianus seedlings over a two-month period. Two groups were analyzed: one treated with elemental sulfur (0.46 g S/kg soil) and a control group without sulfur. The nickel uptake and biomass production of the sulfur-treated plants were compared to those of the control plants. Analysis revealed that sulfur-treated plants exhibited increased nickel yield and biomass compared to the control group, with average nickel concentrations of 2.42% and 1.61%, respectively. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in nickel yield between the control and sulfur-treated groups (F = 16.833, p = 0.0093), indicating a significant effect at the 5% significance level. Additionally, sulfur-treated seedlings produced more biomass (15.92 g) compared to the control (8.06 g). The linear relationships between nickel yield and dry weight were also examined. Analysis revealed a strong positive relation between the two variables (r = 0.753).

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