Phytoplankton Diversity and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage as Pollution Indicators in Sapangdaku River, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/04/2021
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Phytoplankton Diversity and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage as Pollution Indicators in Sapangdaku River, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines

Sherry P. Ramayla, Marchee T. Picardal, Joje Mar P. Sanchez, Judelynn M. Librinca, Hedeliza A. Pineda, Marnan T. Libres, Ma. Lourdes B. Paloma, Reginald Raymund A. Caturza, Ruby L. Armada, Jay P. Picardal
Int. J. Biosci.18( 4), 38-46, April 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The study assessed the phytoplankton diversity and macroinvertebrate assemblage in Sapangdaku River, Toledo City in Cebu, Philippines in relation to the habitat preference of the organisms. Three sampling stations were identified as downstream, midstream and upstream and 5 samples were collected in each site. Phytoplanktons were hauled vertically following the Bottle sampling method and were identified at the species and/or genus level using phytoplankton identification manuals. Macroinvertebrates were surveyed using the Kick Sampling method, and were identified up to the Order level using online taxonomic guides. Findings revealed that 16 phytoplankton genera belonging to five phyla, as well as eight macroinvertebrate orders, characterize the river. Genus Bacillariophyceae and Order Insecta are the most numerous in the freshwater sources. The downstream portion of the river, as indicated by the diversity of phytoplanktons and assemblage of macroinvertebrates, may reflect poor river water quality.

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