Phytoplankton diversity as a bioindicator environmental changes in coal mine area

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Research Paper 01/11/2014
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Phytoplankton diversity as a bioindicator environmental changes in coal mine area

Muhammad Zaini, Hepy Zahra Saputri, Danang Biyatmoko
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 5), 336-345, November 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this research was to determined phytoplankton variety and quality of Binuang Dam chemical-physics waters. Methodology this research is descriptive and observation is arranged to direct observation at the site, water and phytoplankton sampling was done on 4 different observing stations. The observation was repeated three times on three nearby places. Phytoplankton sampling did by using net plankton no 25 on depth 10-50 cm. The counting of indicator was using Shannon’s-Wienner variety index. The result of this research is based on the occurrence of phytoplankton that can be made as the bioindicator of the change waters environment at Binuang Dam in particular for BOD’S rate, COD, iron rate, manganese, zinc, aluminium, and sulphate, are Selenastrumgracile, Pediastrum simplex, Meugeotia sp, Staurastrum chaetoceros, Cocconeis placentula, Closterium sp, Draparnaldia plumosa, Gomphonema geminatum, and Fragillaria crotonensis. Phytoplankton which can be used as the indicator of environmental change based on the abundance at observational area are Microcystis ae ruginosa and Spirogyra prolifica. Based on the classification of Diversity Index (Fahrul, 2007), Binuang Dam’s phytoplankton diversity is around 1,566 and categorized as medium. Binuang Dam is categorized medium polluted, based on the average of variety index point is around 1,566.


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