Phytoremediation potential of mangrove species at Pangasihan Mangrove forest reserve in Mindanao, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/07/2016
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Phytoremediation potential of mangrove species at Pangasihan Mangrove forest reserve in Mindanao, Philippines

Angela Grace I. Toledo-Bruno, Lowell G. Aribal, Mary Grace M. Lustria, Rico A. Marin
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 1), 142-149, July 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Mangrove ecosystems along coastal areas perform a crucial role in filtering sediments and material deposits that could otherwise directly drain into marine ecosystems. Thus, the ability of mangrove species as heavy metal hyperaccumulators is important in phytoremediation. To test whether mangrove species in Pangasihan Mangrove Forest Reserve is heavy metal hyperaccumulator or excluder, composite samples of the roots and shoots were taken from three species with the highest importance value, i.e. Sonneratia alba,Rhizophora apiculata andAvicennia marina var. rumphiana. This study revealed that S. alba shoots and roots had the highest concentration of lead (Pb) while R. apiculata had the lowest concentration. However, Avicennia marina var. rumphiana has the highest shoot-root quotient (SRQ). Based on SRQ values, both Avicennia marina var. rumphiana and Sonneratia alba could be classified as Pb-hyperaccumulator. These findings imply that these species can be used for phytoremediation, especially in urban and industrial zones.


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