Phytosociological and ethnobotanical attributes of Skimmia laureola

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Research Paper 01/12/2012
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Phytosociological and ethnobotanical attributes of Skimmia laureola

Barkatullah, Muhammad Ibrar, Ghulam Jelani, Lal Badshah
Int. J. Biosci.2( 12), 75-84, December 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Skmmia laureola grow gregariously in shady forest at altitude ranging from 7000 to 8800 feet. Leaves are also used as coughs remedy and commercially harvested as flavoring agent in food, and in traditional healing. These are made into garlands and considered sacred culture practices. Smoke from the leaves and twig is considered demon repellent. The smoke of the dry leaves is used for nasal tract clearness. It is also used for cold, fever and headache treatment. A total of 44 species were found in association with Skimmia laureola in different localities. Seven species including Adiantum venustum, Fragaria vesica, Indigofera heterantha, Isodon rugosus, Podophyllum hexandrum, Pteridium aquilinum and Taxus baccata were found to be the constant species in all six stands studied. Density hectare-1 values showed quite large values, ranging from 312 to 4437.5. A highest value was found in Bahrain, Swat while lowest value was recorded from Tajaka-Barawal, Upper Dir. Regression analyses were carried out to find out Correlation of altitude with Density hectare-1, importance values and importance value indices.ethnobotanical studies and marketing of the plant has also been carried out.


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