Phytosociological studies on alpine vegetation of Mastuj Valley, Hidukush Range, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2013
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Phytosociological studies on alpine vegetation of Mastuj Valley, Hidukush Range, Pakistan

Syed Mukaram Shah, Farrukh Hussain, Musharaf Khan
Int. J. Biosci.3( 2), 152-157, February 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetation analysis in alpine areas of Mastuj Valley was conducted during 2008 to 2009. Phytosociological investigation of vegetation along altitudinal gradient indicated seven plant communities based on highest importance values. The communities included, Acantholimon-Ephedra-Ribes, Cicer-Aristida-Tricholepsis, Betula-Juniperus-Acantholimon, Betula-Ribes-Rosa, Ephedra-Juniperus-Artemisia, Epilobium-Rheum-Matricaria and Betula-Salix-Rosa community. Soil texture remained sandy loam to silt loam with less organic matter and nitrogen contents. Soil pH ranged between 6.3 to 7.5. Generally, tundra plant communities occupy their own microhabitats with peculiar environmental conditions that create the highly diverse vegetation mosaic in alpine belts.


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