Place of Diptera in the Sahara wetlands of Algeria (Ouargla, Northern Sahara)
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Place of Diptera in the Sahara wetlands of Algeria (Ouargla, Northern Sahara)
The present study focuses on the inventory of the dipterian fauna of four wetlands in the Ouargla region (Northern Sahara, Algeria). These are the lake of Hassi Ben Abdallah, Sebkhat Sefioune lake, Chott Ain El Beida and thepalm grove of the ksar (oasis). For a systematic inventory of species, different techniques are used. This inventory reveals a dipteran fauna that is rich in 106 species divided into 43 families.The family Ephydridae is indeed the best represented, with 14 species (47.6%). It is followed by the Dolichopodidae with 14 species (13.9%) with the dominance of the species Asyndetusappendiculatus (10.1%). In the lake of Hassi Ben Abdallah, 81 species of Diptera are inventoried, they are distributed among 35 families. In Sebkhat Sefioune and during the 12 months, 60 species were inventoried, distributed in 30 families. On the other hand, in the Chott Ain El Beida, 27 species were caught. They are distributed among 15 families. In the ksar palm grove, 38 species were recorded, distributed in 22 families. It is noted that 17 species are common to the four wetlands in the Ouargla region. However, 27 species are only found at the level of the lake of Hassi Ben Abdallah, with 14 species caught only at lake Sebkhat Sefioune and 9 species of Diptera are specific to the ksar palm grove. It should be noted that no specific species were reported at Chott Ain El Beida. The latter is the least diversified station. The ksar palm grove is the most balanced environment in terms of families and dipterian species compared to the other stations. The lake of Hassi Ben Abdallah has the most species.
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Chennouf Rekia, Saggou Hayet, Benbrahim Keltoum, Lamrani Cherifa, AbikeurRezka, Marniche Faieza, Guezoul Omar, Ould El Hadj Mohamed Didi (2021), Place of Diptera in the Sahara wetlands of Algeria (Ouargla, Northern Sahara); IJB, V19, N2, August, P90-100
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