Plant community structure and diversity assessment of selected mangrove forest ecosystems along Hinatuan passage, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines

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Research Paper 08/10/2024
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Plant community structure and diversity assessment of selected mangrove forest ecosystems along Hinatuan passage, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines

Jerry B. Acero, Jr. Ruben F. Amparado, Peter D. Suson, Jose Patrcio H. Hermis, Jay Rey G. Alovera, Sulpecia L. Ponce
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 4), 111-121, October 2024.
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Community structure and diversity assessment of mangrove forests play a critical role in biodiversity conservation and protection of this valuable resource. The study was conducted primarily to assess the plant community structure and species diversity of the three selected mangrove forests along Hinatuan passage, Surigao del Norte, Philippines.   Line-quadrat method was used with three established transect lines per sampling station.  Each transect line was composed of five-100m2 quadrats with one 1m2 sub-plot for regeneration capacity.  Plant species were carefully identified using taxonomic knowledge and Field identification manuals for mangroves. Height, diameter at breast height (dbh) and frequencies of plant occurrences were recorded and analyzed.  Findings showed that the 4,880 sampled mangrove plants, 22 species of true mangroves and associates were identified, grouped into 11 families and 14 genera.  All species are classified by IUCN as Least Concern. Biggest dbh was obtained by Sonneratia alba with 32cm and Rhizophora apiculata was the tallest at 14m.   Bakauan-lalaki is the most frequent, densest, most dominant, and highest species relative important value at 56.98%.  The overall Diversity Index is Very Low at 1.45, with regeneration capacity of 0.56, classified as Fair Condition.   Mangrove forest in Opong sampling site is the most disturbed among the three sites due to unabated anthropogenic activities.  Mangrove forests in Hinatuan passage are economically and ecologically functional but needing stakeholders’ holistic management conservation efforts to improve and sustain the ecosystem’s biodiversity, goods and services offered.

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