Plant protection applications in organic agriculture and farmers’ approaches to organic agriculture in Kocaeli, Turkey

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Plant protection applications in organic agriculture and farmers’ approaches to organic agriculture in Kocaeli, Turkey

Mehmet Veysel Ayhan, Aysun Cavusoglu
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 1), 46-60, January 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Plant production is becoming more important day by day with organic agriculture, one of the agricultural production systems. Plant protection applications with the right method are regarded as one of the most important factors to achieve sustainable organic agriculture. This study was conducted to identify the present situation in plant protection practices performed by organic agriculture enterprises on plant production and frequently faced problems such as pests, diseases, weeds and plant physiology in their fields in Kocaeli. A further purpose was to determine farmers’ approaches to these problems as well as organic agriculture in plant production. In this regard, the study was carried out in the middle of 2016 by a face to face close and open ended questionnaire following a full count method in Kocaeli Province in Turkey. The data show that there are various solved and unresolved biotic and abiotic problems in organic plant farming. According to the results weeds, aphids, late blight and downy mildew are as biotic, short time period of vegetation and forest are as abiotic are mostly facing problem in the fields. “Plant Protection problems” is stated as the second most important subject by farmers. In addition farmers’ awareness and expectations were revealed in the organic farming system. According to the results. Kocaeli has farmers who are aware and well educated that applies the main principles of organic agriculture, yet they remain incapable for plant protection in organic agriculture and for some other issues independent of this subject.


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