Plant soil symbioses, role in Terga (West of Algeria) sandpit rehabilitation

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Plant soil symbioses, role in Terga (West of Algeria) sandpit rehabilitation

Benelhadj Djelloul Saadia, Ighilhariz Zohra, Boukhatem Zineb Faiza, Robin Duponnois, Philippe de Lajudie, Bekki Abdelkader
Int. J. Biosci.9( 1), 148-161, July 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Intensive exploitation of Terga sandpit situated in west of Algeria had led to degraded ecosystem. The objective of this work consists in a strategy of site revegetating by introducing native species Schinus terebinthifolius associated or not to two nitrogen fixing species Retama monosperma and Lotus creticus. Physico-chemical soil analysis and mycorrhyzal soil infectivity determination were performed on bare soil and after 24 months of planting. Endomycorrhizal structures presence or absence was recorded for each treatment. Compared to naked soil, the obtained analysis showed soil fertility evolution after two years of plants introduction. Thus, for the various plant associations, the mycorrhizal soil infectivity was significantly improved and increased more than four times. Control area mycorhization frequency was 60 % and more than 80 % for Schinus terebinthifolius associated with legumes. Hence, this association had a positive effect on Schinus terebinthifolius growth, phosphorus and nitrogen sheets content, in particular when this species was associated with Lotus creticus.


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